Ohmigosh! Leia is the prettiest, smiliest baby. I just love seeing her! And her parents are adorable, too! We took Leia’s 9 month portraits at Dorothy B. Oven Park.
Oh, my gosh! Look at this gorgeous little face! I can’t believe Samantha is almost two! She is so cute and full of energy. She’s always on the go! I love her perfect little pigtails!
Happy Father’s Day! I have met some awesome dads through my work as a photographer. Dads that listen to, play with, and laugh with their children. Brian is going to be one of the best, I am sure of it. And Amber will be a phenomenal mother. I met Brian and Amber a few years ago when I […]
Leia is such a beautiful baby! I loved seeing her again for her 6 month portaits at Maclay Gardens. What a sweetie! I LOVE theimage of Leia and her beautiful mommy, Dr. Hope. So cute!